Save The Earth Cambodia

Gender, Monitoring and Evaluation, and mainstreaming at sub-national levels

The technical assistance (TA) for “Mainstreaming Climate Resilience into Development Planning (TA 8179)” is aimed at strengthening the capacity of Cambodian institutions and stakeholders to integrate climate concerns into development plans, programs and projects. The TA is funded by the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) and Nordic Development Fund (NDF) and is implemented within the framework of Cambodia’s Strategic Program for Climate Resilience (SPCR). The TA comprises four outputs: (i) capacity to coordinate Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) investments and mainstream climate change adaptation concerns into national and sub-national planning, budgeting, and development strengthened; (ii) feasibility studies for priority adaptation projects with a view to securing international funding conducted; (iii) civil society support mechanism to fund community-based adaptation activities established and the capacity of civil society organizations and nongovernment organizations to mainstream climate resilience into their operations strengthened; and (iv) climate change adaptation knowledge in various sectors generated and disseminated.